Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Silent Killer

The Deadly Disease Most Women Ignore | Yahoo! Health

Here it is ladies; wake up call of dire proportions! Recently Rosie O'Donnel came into public light after calling 911 when she was experiencing a MASSIVE heart attack.

We know that heart disease is the NUMBER ONE KILLER OF WOMEN.

That's astonishing.

Yet, we place more emphasis on getting breast cancer and hpv screenings. Which, don't misunderstand me, are WONDERFUL things!!! But as the #1 killer of ALL WOMEN, shouldn't we place more stress on heart disease education for women? If we know that heart disease is such a dynamic killer of women, shouldn't we as an entire popultaion, not just women, focus more medical education on spreading awareness of heart disease?

If we knew that when we left the house this evening for our dinner date, that it was going to be robbed, and that my children, or pets, or valuables be obliterated, would I still go out? Would you?? The answer is probably not.

Why was it so hard for Rosie to accept that she was having a heart attack? She did the right thing, she chewed an aspirin, which doctors will tell you is much more effective that swallowing one whole. (Chewing allows the medication to entire your blood stream MUCH more quickly than swallowing a pill whole.)

What she did WRONG, however, is she waited for a long time to call 911 after she chewed the aspirin. Doctors said the type of blockage the was in her arteries was often referred to as the "Widow maker" because of it's magnitude and strong probability of killing it's victim.

Rosie is very lucky she's still with us. A lot of women aren't as lucky. We need to take note of the early warning signs and be aware that women face a "Silent Killer," more often than men.

Ladies, heart attacks don't only affect middle aged, overweight men. In a public service announcement, actress Elizabeth Banks does an incredible job of portraying how most women may have reacted in her situation. She kept saying she was fine, it was nothing, etc, etc. Too often women ignore the warning signs of a heart attack...Could this be why it is the number one killer of women...?

There's a slight chance.

To see the PSA brought to you by Elizabeth Banks and the American Heart Association, in conjunction with Go Red for Women; visit this link:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

My Vision!

I'm really excited about this blog, first and foremost because women's rights and women's equal treatment is something that I'm very passionate about. I'm ignited with ambition in light of recent political comments and public stances that have caused such an uproar in our society by and large. 

What is a woman's right? I believe that it is a woman's right to dictate what is and is not acceptable in terms of her body. A recent interview by a somewhat prominent running republican senate member is that of "legitimate rape." What is legitimate rape? If I, as a woman, have the Divine right to decide what is and is not for my body, wouldn't legitimate rape be considered ANY sexual act that is undesired? Isn't this the text book definition of rape?

I know...this is a very touchy subject and I'm choosing to begin my new blog with a controversial topic. Eleanor Roosevelt said, "A well behaved woman will seldom make history." Well, if that's the case Ms. Roosevelt, I intend to be anything but well behave, and in saying such, I do tend to speak my mind about things. Even, albeit, if they are sensitive. On a slightly contrasting note though, I do believe that these things can be talked about with dignity and tact.

My "vision," if you will, for my Miss Informed blog and facebook group is to shed light to the huge amount of hypocrisy in America as viewed from a platform of a female, in regards to female's public issues. IE; health care, voter reform, equal pay, corporate glass ceilings, sexual harassment, assault, and rape, as well as a myriad of many other issues.

I know that by doing this I will face a lot of nay-sayers, I'm okay with that. I respect and value every one's God given, and civil right to their own thoughts, actions, and words. 
I'm designing this group as an outlet, an outlet for me to discuss things that are important and relevant to me. As a member of Generation Y, I am the next in line to shape this country. I am ready to do that. 

It is my hope that others who have the same, or even differing opinions as me will step up and help me with my full on assault against to disparity the riddles our nation. The difference between men and women should merely be no more than a question of anatomical arrangement. I hope you enjoy my musings.
Facebook group, "Miss Informed"
Step Up Women's Network