Thursday, September 6, 2012

A woman's worth

So, it's been a little while since I've posted, and if you are one of my followers, I apologize! Lately I've been a little amiss for inspiration...or maybe overwhelmed is actually a better way of looking at it. SO many things are going on in regards to women; our bodies, our minds, our hearts, our sex (and no, I don't mean gender.), it's almost as if everywhere I look, I'm being bombarded. On my lunch break at work earlier today I was reading an article from the wonderful world of twitter. I was appalled at some of the names and language being thrown around and used to attack successful women.
Whether she is conservative or liberal, black or white, tall or short, fat or thin, WHO GIVES?! She is a woman and she is beautiful in her own right?
I think as an ENTIRE gender, woman have become very hateful of each other. Why??
Shouldn't we have each other's backs first and foremost?
Well, in case you've forgotten, here's some wonderful facts about women;
1.) We are the bearer of life. Without a woman, none of us would be here.
...Do I really need to continue with a number 2?
I don't really understand all of the sheer hatred that exists towards women, maybe one day I will. Honestly though, I hope that day never comes, because won't that mean the end of the beauty that is a woman as we know it? Or am I just looking at the world through rose colored glasses again? Anyhow, I read a very nice article this evening about how to help a woman. I will share the link at the end of this entry, but as you read over it, I challenge you to adopt at least one principle found within the 59 options the author lists, and enact it in your personal, professional, and yes, even romantic life. If you'd like to share your feed back with me, I'd love to hear it.
Happy reading and here's to women!!